Bobby's T-Shirt & Studio
907 Wynnewood Shopping Center  ·  Dallas, TX  75224
214-941-9431  or  214-946-3953
Mon - Sat    10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.     Since 1978


$150 Plus Tax
Cap&Gown:  1-8x10, 2-5x7, and 24 wallets.
Casual:  1-8x10, 2-5x7, and 24 wallets.
Feather:  1-8x10, 2-5x7, and 24 wallets. * (Can be substitute for different outfit)
Triple Exposure:  1-8x10, 2-5x7, and 24 wallets
Plus you get 12 proofs
Plus you get free minor touch up and one name and year put on.

Bobby's Studio does have the Cap & Gown and tassel color for most public Dallas/Ft. Worth school.
Please give call and ask if the color is available for the school you graduation from.


All images are Copyright to Bobby's T-Shirts and Studio